Friday, January 1, 2010

Few Idiots

The recent controversy over the adaption of theme of novel five point someone has outraged the whole Chetan Bhagat fans. The same author was a source of inspiration for all those
Guys who messed up their College life and still got a descent job.
Frustrated call centers guys, who are often being scolded for always making a call at wrong time.
Idiots who always remorse on the past; and are not ready to Move on with life after committing blunders.
Lovers who are entangled in the inter caste marriage tussle and have to run from pillar to post to convince their parents.

We find a little bit of us in each of his four novels. That was the only reason why Chetan captured the mood of entire nation. He employed simple words and refrained from using those heavy words with jargons. Thus his novels became an instant best seller as you are not supposed to have a degree in English Honors to digest the stuff.
But Few Idiots Amir, Rajkumar Hirani and Vidhu Vinod Chopra joined hands and as usual bollywood plot made a remake of his best seller. Amir is always known for creating hype and cheap publicity before the release of his movies. You can watch him playing cricket, standing for Narmada Andolan, or playing with kids and this latest gimmick of disguising himself.
Chetan has his own fan circle that is intelligent enough to understand his emotions and not to be carried away by Amir’s allegations. I know that Chetan don’t have a mass appeal like Amir but he has a strong and intellectual base that is capable of defending him.
Well Amir my serious advice to you is to first crack IIM Ahmedabad and then even dare to write or speak absurd things about Chetan.


  1. I completely agree with your view point amit. I dont agree with Aamir or VVC that 3-Idiots is loosely based upon FPS. They have taken the heart and Soul of FPS and now they r denying Chetan is due credit. Chetan might loose this one against Aamir the grt or VVC the Gandhi...but he sure has taken his point forward that pen is always mighter than the sword (in this case the mighty ones like VVC, Raju Hirani & Aamir)...

  2. As far his 4 novels are concerned i'm not sure about 'Three Mistakes'. It's too much to take for me atleast..... earthquake, godhra, australia and a lot more in that short span of time. May be this could happen with someone but that would be 1 in 1 or 10 billion (my assumption :D).

    For this 3 idiots thing going on these days I can't decide whom to blame.... but according to Hirani (source Times of India):

    1) In the book, there is no bet between the two friends, the journey to find their friend is not there, the child delivery scene, the 'Balatkar' scene, the two weddings where they crashed these key scenes are not in the book. There are certain similarities, which I am not denying, but we had bought the rights for that.

    2) In the contract, we have said that the title would be given in the rolling credits. We haven't changed the font size. We haven't increased the speed of the title. It's exactly there where it was agreed to be.

    c'mon... Chetan signed the deal according to hirani's statements...... he should have thought about this before
    So do you 'think' that it's worth 'rethinking' what you said above!!!!
