Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Twenty20 match

The twenty20 tournament between Thackeray and Rest of India has generated a lot of heat in the political theatre. The Thackeray Sena comprises of Udhav Sena and Raj Thackeray. The Rest of India comprises the likes of Mukesh Ambani, Sachin tendulkar, Abu Azmi, Amitabh Bachhan and Shahrukh Khan.
Thackeray bros have emerged as the most sought after players ever in the history of cricket leaving behind the Waugh Bros. The Thackeray Sena though are playing with Raj and Udhav but as per the media reports there are speculations that both of them are eying for the captaincy. So there are two camps in Thackeray Sena one favoring Raj and other Udhav. The Thackeray Sena is lions at home as in spite of playing so many tournaments they have to still open their winning accounts in foreign territories. But ever dare to come and play in Mumbai and they will smash your head with their bouncers and body line.
Instead of organizing all the tournaments at a single venue BCCI has decided to organize all the matches in Delhi and Mumbai in alternate fashion. It is a unique tournament in which winner will be decided on the basis of who first win a match in others’ home ground. Till now both the teams have won their matches at their homes. The reason to organize this tournament was the non inclusion of Pakistan Players in Twenty20 matches. The owners of the IPL teams were unable to afford the exorbitant fees of Pakistani players. After non inclusion of Pakistani Players the Pakistan Govt. criticizes the Indian Govt. for their inability to include Pakistani players in the tournament. There was a wide spread criticism and backlash in India that even the Home Minister has to stepped in to make a plea for the Pakistani Players that non inclusion of Pakistani Players was a disservice to cricket. The word Modi has become a synonym for controversy. This time it was Lalit Modi, the Commissioner of IPL. He swings into action and organized this unique Twenty20 tournament to make up the losses and the disservice to the cricket.
But the tournament has mired into controversies and match fixing allegations. One of the leading fast bowlers of rest of India, Amitabh has been reported to join hands with Thackeray as he has been seen praising them and inviting them for the preview of his movie. Sachin tendulkar of Rest of India has to pay the price of being born in Mumbai as he is continuously being heckled by the Thackeray for being a traitor. Prior to the tournament Abu Azmi was slapped by Thackeray Sena for racial behavior as most of the members of Thackeray Sena are unable to speak and understand Hindi. He was like Harbhajan; called them MAAN KI and the poor fellows take it otherwise and thought they were bullied as Monkey. The Thackeray Sena is supposed to be worry about inclusion of Shahrukh khan in Rest of India squad as he is one of the most valuable players. As per the media speculations Thackeray Sena has pleaded before the organizers to send Shahrukh to Pakistan for the time being so as both the teams are equally strong.
The First match has however been won by Rest of India with an all round performance by a novice Rahul. The young guy playing his first game led the rest of India to a landslide victory. He was awarded Man of the Match with a cash prize to withdraw any amount from an ATM in Mumbai.Sena smarting under the defeat has trained their guns for the next match on 12 Feb. The moral of Rest of India is at all time high but the complacency might derail them. So stay tune to this blog for latest updates.


  1. gud blog written vividly depicting the politics game going..controversy is the base on which politics building stands and sena is ready to grasp every opportunity by any means

  2. Every instance you depicted is true but there is a slight difference from where i'm looking.... Don't u think that Uddhav is more sluggish and there's still more of Bal Thackery moolah going on around..... isn't he like still 'THE BOSS'.... he's giving comments and every once in a while Uddhav joins him in abusing someone or something but that 'looks' like he has been asked to do so..... he shows no control and authority..... even Big Thackery commented against Sachin 'THE GOD' (so called)!!

